There’s no shame in providing joy when you’re not on the frontline | M&M Global

There’s no shame in providing joy when you’re not on the frontline

In these unprecedented times it’s only fair and correct to be worried about our health, that of our friends and family and how we survive this global pandemic both personally and professionally. Equally it’s all too easy to feel shame if you want to promote your business to help it survive, if it is not part of those who are explicitly saving lives and helping people.

The former – saving lives is the most important thing – but in our own little way and that of millions of other businesses around the world we all have the opportunity to make a difference if we stop and think for a moment and take stock of what role we can play. It’s easy to believe the timing isn’t right and this seems crass or shameful – and to some it will – but there will be others who will see it as a welcome distraction if done right. What’s clearly fantastic is all of the work brands and other companies in media and marketing are making to help in these difficult times using their skills and experiences to provide everything from PPE, hand sanitiser, ventilators and key Government messaging.

In times of financial difficulty one of the first cost cutting decisions is to cut marketing and yes we have all seen the data, which suggests this is wrong, but what hope is there when as an industry this is one of the first things to be cut by some of the biggest companies in our sector?

Before we do this across the board – and of course businesses have to make cuts in order to survive – it’s worth noting making people feel good – particularly in these times of isolation – is crucial to their mental health. Yes, the feeling of ensuring you are financially secure and healthy is paramount, but being recognised for work is also a great feeling and goes a long to making people feel as if they belong or matter in these crazy times.

It’s here the significance of trusted and respected awards programmes can be key to boosting team morale and filling people with some cheer, even if it is for a few moments, days, weeks or months in these troubled times. It’s also a timely reminder – in a world where its apparently vogue to give agencies a consistent bashing – of the great work and talented people they possess and the work they can curate for clients, which consumers love and resonate with.

It’s why we as a business want to carry on and try to weather the storm and hopefully provide that one second, one minute or one hour of joy and showcase the amazing work we as an industry produce. To this end we taking away the pressure and cost off of producing videos for the rest of our awards programmes in 2020, which means the cost and time of entering is significantly reduced for every potential entrant A smile and happiness across the faces of  furloughed or under pressure teams is priceless in these difficult times.

Find out more here.

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